Report it
Broadland District Council has the power to deal with a wide range of dog related problems. To report any dog issues such as fouling or dangerous dogs visit:
Problems in your street
To report any issues in your street – such as anti social or illegal parking, fly tipping, removal of a dead animal, abandoned vehicles, road sweeping and litter, anti social motorcycle riding etc.visit:
Highways matters
Use the Highways report an issue website – for issues such as:
Overgrown or damaged verges,
Damaged or missing manhole covers,
Damaged grit bins,
Blocked ditches, blocked drains (not sewage), blocked gully,
Damaged drains (not sewage), damaged gully, standing water,
Missing or worn road markings,
Damaged or faulty road signs and posts,
Missing or worn cats eyes or studs,
Damaged / dangerous trees, fallen trees, overgrown hedges, overgrown trees,
Road obstructions, spillages or mud,
Damaged or faulty traffic lights (permanent or temporary),
Potholes – road, path or cycle ways,
Damage to Paths, Roads, Kerbs and Cycle Ways,
Road surface issues Street furniture – bollards, bus shelters, fences, guardrails, safety barrier,
Damaged footbridge or road bridge,
Public Rights of Way / Norfolk Trails
Sewage related concerns
For blocked or damaged sewage drains – these issues are dealt with by Anglian Water and can be contacted by visiting
Streetlight issues
Amey are responsible for street lighting and illuminated road signs. Contact them directly to inform of the damage or fault.
Planning Enforcement
Where developments are not as per the approved plans or land being misused, see: Broadland Planning Enforcement